Lesson 10

Lesson 10: 7th Chords, Part 2 Lecture Notes: You will always find the root note of the 7th chord if you find the higher note of the 2nd interval ( dissonance ), only if the chord is not in "root position". The only figured bass that has a 7 in it is the root position . The rest of the inversions would have a 6 at the top followed by the other intervals of the bass at the bottom, or if simplified would have a 4 at the top for only the 2nd and 3rd inversions . Image from: https://music.stackexchange.com/questions/26837/chord-symbols-for-inversions-of-7th-chords In a lead sheet, you're always going to have a 7 above the chord no matter what type of Seventh Chord it is. Image from: https://www.harpspectrum.org/pedal/pool_short.shtml In lead sheets, another name for a half-diminished chord ( ΓΈ ) is a minor 7th flat 5 ( m7 ♭ 5 ) Image from: https://hellomusictheory.com/learn/half-diminished-chords/ Inversions of 7th Chords The Root position includes ...