Lesson 9

    Lesson 9: 7th Chords, Part 1

Lecture Notes:

  • Seventh Chords have an extra chord tone which is the 7th interval from the root.
  • The two major 7ths on the white keys are C-B and F-E and the rest of the 7ths are minor.
  • There are 5 main types of 7th chords: Major 7th, minor 7th, Dominant 7th, half diminished 7th, and full diminished 7th
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Types of 7th Chords
  • A Major 7th Chord includes of a Major triad and a Major 7th stacked.
  • Dominant 7th Chord has a Major triad and a minor 7th stacked.
  • minor 7th chord has a minor triad and a minor 7th stacked
  • half-diminished 7th chord has a diminished triad and a minor 7th stacked.
  • full diminished 7th chord includes a diminished triad and a diminished 7th stacked.
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Here's a YouTube video from the YouTuber: "Michael New" that should help you understand how Seventh Chords work. In this video, he summarizes what are intervals, octaves, minor, and diminished 7ths. He mainly focuses on the difference between a Major 7th Chord and a Dominant 7th Chord

Here's a YouTube video from Dan McKim. In this video, he breaks down the difference between a half-diminished and full diminished 7th. He further explains when a fully diminished 7th chord will appear and when you would often see a half-diminished chord.

In this video, I am playing Diatonic 7th Chords using the piano. The 2 major and relative minor keys that were used are G major, E minor, G major, and E minor. Along with this video is a sheet that I put together to give you a general understanding of what was going on.


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