Lesson 7

  Lesson 7: Triads

Lecture Notes:

  • A Major Triad is the Root note, Major 3rd, and Perfect 5th combined.
  • A Minor Triad is the Root note, Minor 3rd, and Perfect 5th combined.
  • Major and Minor Triads refer to the 3rd interval quality.
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  • Augmented Triads are the Root note, Major 3rd, and Augmented 5th.
  • Diminished Triads are the Root note, Minor 3rd, and a Diminished 5th.
  • Augmented and Diminished Triads refer to the 5th interval quality.
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  • The relative natural minor scale is the major scale starting on the 6th degree as the 1st note. ( I ) 
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Here's a YouTube video from the YouTuber: "David E. Farrell". In this video, he educates you on all the different qualities of Triads and what intervals make them work. The types of triads that he introduces are major, minor, diminished, and augmented.

Here's a YouTube video from Ryan Jones. In this video, He mainly focuses on major and minor triads and he shows you how they work using roman numerals and the digital keyboard.

Here's a video from my YouTube channel where I demonstrate the diatonic triads in D major, B minor, Eb major and C minor scale using my primary instrument.


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