Counterpoint Part 2

Counterpoint Part 2

Lecture Notes:

  • First species counterpoint are all whole notes.
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  • Second species counterpoint has two half notes against the cantus firmus whole notes..
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  • Third species counterpoint has four quarter notes against the cantus firmus whole notes.
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Types of Motions 
  • There are four (4) motions: Parallel, Similar Contrary, and Oblique. 
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Here's a YouTube video from the YouTuber: "Dr. Kati Meyer Music Theory". In this video, she teaches you the rules and guidelines that should be used in the 2nd Species Counterpoint. She walks you through what they are and the techniques.

Here's a YouTube video from "AlanBelkin". 
In this video, he shows you the rules of third-species counterpoint and the errors that can come across when making one. 

Above, are videos of me playing a Second and Third Species Counterpoint above the Cantus Firmus that I composed in the key of C Major which has 12 measures. Below is my written composition of both of the cantus firmuses.


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